
This page contains resources such as pcap files, user manuals and other documents than can be freely downloaded.

PCAP Files / Network Traces

List of PCAP files on the Internet


NetworkMiner Professional Manual (PDF)

CapLoader Manual (PDF)

Terms and Conditions

Ethical Export Policy


Hunting for Cobalt Strike in PCAP

QakBot C2 Traffic

How to Identify IcedID Network Traffic

CapLoader 1.9.5 Alerts on Malicious Traffic

IEC-104 File Transfer Extraction

Hunting for C2 Traffic

Emotet C2 and Spam Traffic Video

PolarProxy in Windows Sandbox

Start Menu Search Video

Walkthrough of DFIR Madness PCAP

Detecting Cobalt Strike and Hancitor traffic in PCAP


Detecting the Pony Trojan with RegEx using CapLoader

NetworkMiner 2.3 Released!

Zyklon Malware Network Forensics Video Tutorial

Examining Malware Redirects with NetworkMiner Professional

Antivirus Scanning of a PCAP File

Analyzing Kelihos SPAM in CapLoader and NetworkMiner

NetworkMiner Professional video by Adrian Crenshaw (YouTube)

CapLoader Tutorial (YouTube)